Reflecting on God's Word

Truth Has No Time-Limit


I love hymns.

I know, I know.  Who actually likes hymns any more?

I do, I do!  (Hand raised, jumping up and down excitedly.) It’s the words. I really, really, really like words. (just ask my mother.  Or husband.  Both of them probably wish I liked words a little less.)

Seriously, though….  hymns (the good ones) teach us, about God and how He works in our lives, encourage us to be God-seekers, help us articulate our prayers, and remind us of what we should be praying for.

(Good modern music does the same thing, by the way.)

Excellent lyrics are moving and powerful, regardless of era.

Like “In Christ Alone”, written by Townend and Getty in 2001.  It’s a song I am sure will stand the test of time.

I just don’t think we should lose songs that have helped sustained the church for anywhere from 40 years (“There is a Redeemer”, written by Melody Green in 1977) to 1800 years (like “All Creatures of our God and King”, written by St. Francis of Assisi in 1225) just because they are “old”.

“Take My Life” is one of my favorites.

Chris Tomlin gave it fresh musical life by tweaking the tune a bit and adding a chorus, but the words catch in my throat every time, whether sung in the old or the new way.

To have every moment of my life be one of praise to God?  To have every word of my mouth speak as if speaking his words?  To only use my mind and thoughts in ways that serve God’s purpose?  To submit my whole will to His guidance?

What wonderful thoughts!

I have moments, like when I’m snappish with my husband or irritable with the kids or unmotivated at work, when I know I’m so far from the ideal presented here.

So I pray this song with every ounce of  me.

I have since I was a teenager – and I expect I will for ever.

Because truth has no time-limit.

Do you have a favorite hymn, ancient or modern?  Something that has lyrics which overwhelm your spirit with their truth and immensity? Something which breaks your heart or makes you jump and clap for the thrill of them?  Something which awes you with the immensity of who God is?

I encourage you to spend a few minutes today reflecting on those lyrics and how they have formed your life and character.

Reflecting on God's Word