Reflecting on God's Word

Oh, I Want to Know You More


The Apostle Paul famously wrote “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).

Steve Green is a Christian singer whose lyrics always speak to that same sentiment.

He recorded a song decades ago which will always be a favorite of mine.  “Oh, I Want to Know You More” (written by Steve Fry),  tugs at the heartstrings, reminding us of our deep emotional need for connection with our Creator.

Oh, I want to know You more!
Deep within my soul I want to know You,
Oh, I want to know You.
To feel Your heart and know Your mind,
Looking in Your eyes stirs up within me,
Cries that says I want to know You
Oh, I want to know You more.

This Psalm of David’s speaks to the same, deep hunger (Psalm 63, ESV)

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;
    my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
    as in a dry and weary land where there is no water……

your steadfast love is better than life,

In our Bible study and small group discussions, in our self-reflection and striving toward purity,we need this: a passionate pursuit of knowing God.

We are called to love the Lord, not just with our mind and strength, but our heart and soul – with ALL of us.

Nothing is as fulfilling as connecting with the Creator, who relentlessly pursues our affection.

Christianity is more than a worldview.  It’s more than a lifestyle.  It is more than a casual friendship.  Christianity is the transformation of our dry, selfish souls into passionate God-adorers.

The more we get to know God, the more we can sing with Paul, David, and Steve Green:

And I would give my final breathe
To know You in Your death and resurrection,
Oh, I want to know You more

During all the busy-ness of today, I challenge us to take a coffee-break with Jesus, slowing down to enjoy His presence, listen to His voice, and feel awe and adoration for His person and character.

Reflecting on God's Word